Neurotransmitter Systems Dysfunction

Dysfunction in NSD neurotransmitter systems may cause agitated behaviors1-4

Graphic of brain with red, blue, and purple pathways lit up, a down arrow in PFC and an up arrow in mid-brainLOSS OF TOP-DOWNEXECUTIVE FUNCTIONELEVATED BOTTOM-UPEMOTIONAL DRIVE
Graphic of brain with red, blue, and purple pathways lit up, a down arrow in PFC and an up arrow in mid-brainGroup 3ELEVATEDBOTTOM-UPEMOTIONALDRIVELOSS OFTOP-DOWNEXECUTIVEFUNCTION
NSD Activity and Impact on Agitated Behaviors

An underlying cause of Agitation in Alzheimer's Dementia (AAD) may be due to dysfunction in the norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine (NSD) neurotransmitter systems, which may result in an imbalance between top-down executive function and bottom-up emotional drive.

Norepinephrine system hyperactivity, serotonin system deficits, and dopamine system dysregulation may be associated with agitated behaviors.3-14

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Imbalance of top-down executive function and bottom-up emotional drive in AAD

AAD, Agitation in Alzheimer's Dementia; NSD, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine; PFC, prefrontal cortex.


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